About Angela

Purpose and Mission
Some of the hardest things I dealt with in life since childhood – my RA and depressions – ended up being a blessing because they called me to serve people who are unhappy and suffer from pain.
Knowing now the real cause of my chronic illness and the truth about medications and their effect on the body is fueling my desire to spread the word about the natural methods that helped me to become healthy and a succesfuly functioning member of the society.
I am passionate to help people with chronic pain and autoimmune problems, especially women and mothers.
It makes my heart truly happy to live a pain free life and to offer the naturally healing tools to others.
Since 2002, I have been studying and practicing QiGong with different QiGong masters. Master Qin was the first QiGong master who introduced me to this ancient practice and also the principles of “chi” balance, five elements, buddhism and the way of Dao. I have spent a few years in Dahn community and learned so many valuable tools from their teachers and later from the QiGong master Dr. Aihan Khun. QiGong, meditations and Vipassana retreats deepened my knowledge and I became a disciple and full-believer in the Eastern mindful practices because they have made a great impact on my health, lifestyle, perceptions of the world, and my attitude toward self and others.
Because I also always loved science, with time I’ve become a Brain Educator and Holistic Health Counselor and Practitioner board certified in humanistic alternative psychology through the American Institute of Holistic Health and Wellness in 2007.
In 2010 I received my training as a QiGong Instructor from Tai Chi and Qi Gong Healing Institute and risked to teach my first classes.
My career as a QiGong instructor for adults, a healer and Holistic Coach began to evolve. In 2011, I experienced another big spiritual transformation through cathartic breathwork that brought me to wholeness and peace in my psychological healing and deepened my desire to be at service for people.
The idea of creating the holistic practice, The Integrated Way, which would unite all the tools I learned and used on the way to my new stable and happier life unfolded naturally.
After 20 years of searching for the RA cure, I have finally found my answers and can proudly report about my lab tests that show no traces of autoimmune disorder or inflammation in my joints.
I have helped already many people to find their own answers and hold space for those who are ready for a transformation and full healing.
What I am proud about
Originally, I am from Ukraine, and I love my country.
I graduated there with an M.D. in applied mathematics and have worked as a computer engineer for a few years. After moving to the US with my husband and daufghter in the 90s, I felt homesick and kind of lost. I went to college and learned webdesign, but soon gave up my idea of coming back to the world of computers after my second child was born with a health issue.
The search for helping my children and my self to heal, brought me to my new teaching career as a Power Brain Yoga instructor for young children and teens in 2004 and after that I taught at schools and yoga centers for 5 years. Inspired by the results of the holistic brain and body program, I became a Brain Educator and went further into studying Eastern and Western approaches to mind-body healing.
Changes in my own thinking, my diet and relationships drastically improved my health.
Slowly my chronic headaches, sinus problems, colds or flus have disappeared. My long depressions were gone forever.
And my children has grown into two wonderful, kind and responsible adults who know how to manage their body and minds. That makes my heart sing!
I occasionally do juice fasts, exercise with deep breathing, take supplements and walk barefoot to strengthen my immune system.
I integrate body-mind-spirit approaches, Qi Gong acupressure massage, Breathwork, EFT, Reiki, Life Mapping, Vision Boards, Healing Art, spiritual guidance with Angel Oracle cards and other valuable tools for bringing wellness and wholeness into the lives of my clients.
I enjoy swimming in the ocean even in cold water, painting rocks, creating collages, drawing mandalas and experimenting with all possible materials including clay and love seeing how my imagination boosts my spirit and confidence while bringing people joy with my creations. (Need some inspiration? Check my Instagram).
My healing mandalas get sold quickly and I plan to paint more.
The most important, I have tamed my Pain Dragon and got back my power, clarity and ability to create and live life with joy!

There is always a way out…
You may think that stories of healing and transformation is not for you, and at times, I would think the same.
But I would like to tell you that no matter how hard your situation might feel, there is ALWAYS a way out.
There is always someone or something that you can lean on in oder to get up from a painful fall, illness or loss and move out of a destructive, unhealthy patternIn this world, MORE than you know always exists – more than what others may tell you, and more than what science has proven!
Your new life can start from “I wonder if there is a way out for me despite the loud and negative voices I hear…”
The next step will happen naturally. You will begin your own search for a way out with an open mind and your own inner “GPS” will bring you to where you need and want to be.
The more you continue, the more you learn about your body, mind and soul, and the more the trust in your own abilities grows. Then, look for and expect miracles in your life as well as new friends, new discoveries and new feelings of joy, inner contentment and peace. Your courageous start will result in your own unique way of healing and a three-dimensional transformation in your body, mind and spirit.
So take courage, make the first step and keep your faith in your Self strong!

My Curios Inner Child
I always wanted to know in detail what was causing my chronic physical and emotional pain and to be capable of working with it with my own most sensitive tools – my body and my mind.
As a child I was diagnosed with RA (Rheaumatoid Arthritis), an autoimmune disorder which puts your life on a roller-coaster and causes gradual damage to your muscle and bone tissues. I went through many medical treatments which added even more health issues: heart, digestion and liver problems.
Even though you may be born optimistic with plenty of energy, living life with chronic pain and memories of abuse and childhood traumas, while having not much control of your own body and mind can make you feel helpless, depressed and pay a toll on your self-esteem, especially when your unique struggle is invisible to others and they are not aware of your limitations. You strive to keep up with life’s demands, but you do not see much light in the future. Life brings more suffering than joy, and the thoughts of not continuing it any longer may become your visitors. Your curious and bright child gets discouraged and even lifeless within.
I know how it feels. My motivation to find a way out has grown with my relationships struggle and my children’s inborn issues and special needs. This put me on a search for natural ways of healing for them and myself.
It was when I felt that I was helplessly failing, I began my search and discovered QiGong.
A three day retreat with a female Tibetan QiGong Master and former monk blew me away!
That was the moment when a new dimension opened for me and my journey to living a fuller and happier life began. The most disturbing my peace negative medical test for cervical cancer went back to normal in a month, and I felt lighter, and more hopeful about my own future as well as my kids’.
When your inner child finds a loving a responsible adult within you, breakthroughs toward success becomes possible!