Holistic Coaching and Healing

The mental learning and goals you set in your coaching consultation sink deeper into your subconscious mind if we invite the body to participate in our work. You will become aware of how your body approves or disapproves your thinking patterns and work on creating an agreement between your mind and body for serving your goals. You will feel your body responses, breathe during our sessions and receive some gentle energy healing, so that your intentions would have the needed daily positive support from within.
energy healing
psychosomatic integration
life coaching
spiritual guidance
Energy (QiGong) healing that might be introduced to you in these sessions is based on the knowledge of energy meridians (or channels) and flow of Qi(chi) in the body. The emotional and physical traumas of your life literally become stored in your energy field and in your very cells.
Have you noticed that no matter how hard you often try to accomplish things, it feels like something is holding you back and the up and down waves keep you from manifesting real changes?The QiGong healing part of the session and breathwork help to shift patterns on the energetic plane and includes either deep cathartic breathing or tapping on acupressure points and along the meridians to stimulate flow and open up the blocked Qi.
After the session people describe feeling recharged, having better mental clarity and positivity, and more awareness of their true life intentions.

What is Psychosomatic Healing and Integration?
Your body (soma) carries the memories of those strategies and responds to stresses with a particular reaction like skin rash, digestive issues or high blood pressure, etc. Usually those habitual responses are passed from generation to generation and not only through genes, but by daily observations.
With the knowledge of German New Medicine created by Dr. Hammer, we can understand what the body is trying to tell us through symptoms and heal it by resolving the perpetuating conflict in the psyche associated with them.
What to Expect:
The Psychosomatic Healing session starts from a short meditation to clarify your intention and create a safe atmosphere for your inner work and healing. You will be in a sitting position and asked questions to get more connected with your body.
Your symptoms and feelings along with your memories and thoughts will be explored and released if needed. You might feel cold, warm, empty or filled with lightness after the release. The new solutions will come and be created from a higher state of consciousness and out of better awareness of your personal needs and the needs of others.
The body will confirm your successful transition by a noticeable shift in your breathing or new pleasant sensations.
If you are tired of responding to events in your life with a disease or specific emotion that ruins your life and ready for change and evolution, psychosomatic session can be a way out for you.

What is Spiritual Guidance?
Messages from Angels is a great addition to any coaching program or healing work.
ANGEL ORACLE CARD READINGs reveal to you the deeper meaning behind your life situations and point out the lessons you are given to learn in order to raise your vibration and grow as a spiritual being. They give your messages from the body-mind-soul-spirit planes and tell about your challenges and opportunities for living an authentic and fulfilling life.

The Integrated Way Basic Coaching Program

- Discovering Your Hidden Life Motto and getting a valuable upgrade
- Working with Your Inner Critic(s) and turn them into Your Allies
- Finding Your 10 Core Values and never get lost in chaos again.
- Setting Goals aligned with Your Soul and Life Purpose
- Learning Tools for Self-Realignment and becoming a Master of Your Life
- Tapping into Your Authentic Feelings and being free from the manipulative games people play
What is included in the package:
- 6 Follow Up Sessions – 90 mins. Once a week. (In-Person or On-line via Zoom or Skype)
- Emails, hand-outs and resources with specific techniques needed for your progress
- A set of breathing or QiGong exercises for specific health issues
- FREE 20 mins initial phone consultation.

Benefits of The Integrated Way Sessions
Short-term Benefits
- Stress release
- Insights and new perspectives
- Pain relief
- Mental clarity
- Relaxation
- More energy
Long-term Benefits
- Sense of direction
- Owning your personal “Spiritual Tool Box” – valuable methods for managing your life stresses
- Positive attitude, more joy and happiness
- Improved relationships
- Relief of chronic body’s aches

Hear What My Clients Have to Say
Every aspect of my life has been touched by my work with Angela.
I would recommend The Integrated Way Basic Course to my friends and others as each class was the right amount of challenge to really achieve the results I was seeking.
It is a very tactical course that sets clear goals, offers readily available tools to leverage and supports measurement of goals.
Layer in Angela’s warm, soothing, silly and safe presence and it makes for a very productive, inspiring and worthwhile way to spend my time.
- Kristen Dean
When I first went to see Angela, I was very anxious, nervous, and in a state of panic. Angela helped me with breathing exercises, a healing massage (yes, this is different from a spa or a therapeutic massage), and most importantly, with writing my own affirmations. Affirmation statements are great to read, but I felt that they were not a part of me, and now I realize that was because they were not my own. Thank you, Angela, for helping me define mine! Through energy healing and teaching, Angela also helped me get rid of some resentment and anger. I am grateful that Angela helped me to let go of some negative energy, and I feel that I am a better person now.
Thank you,
- Effie
Thank you so much for creating such a loving, relaxed connected experience. It helps to learn how to quiet my mind and focus on my Self, and this is not something I am practiced with. It helps in that relaxed, focused space to think and stay… that place at where I want to be going forward. Just one session and a big difference!
- Bethany M.

Individual Introductory Session – 2 hours
#1 . “Basic Package” – 6 sessions (2 months). Each 90 mins.
#2. “Commitment Package – 10 sessions (3 months)
Payment Plans are available.
“If you want something. It will happen.” – Abraham Hicks
How much do you really want it?

Is the commitment of 6 or 10 sessions required?
Any project you start in your life requires commitment if you expect results from your efforts.
If you would like to cook a pie, you need the right ingredients, the knowledge of how to make it, some practice and patience to wait for your pie to be cooked and ready.In Healing and Coaching sessions you and I will be discovering the ingredients for your personal success. You will be given some tools and practicing on how to make the right mix with the ingredients to get the desired results of your transformation.
6 -10 sessions is a good amount for a transformational beginning. Sometimes 10 sessions is not enough to clear the blockages and change the habitual patterns that were established decades ago, but you are always FREE to discontinue your commitment. I believe 10 sessions is the amount you can see some progress after, but nobody will push you into anything you are not ready for yet. You are in charge, and you decide if you would keep going or make a pause and come back later.
What is your Refund and Cancellation Policy?
- 24 hours is required to reschedule your appointment.
- There will be a fee of $25 for a cancellation made less than 24-hours before your appointment, except extreme and emergency situations.
- Full Refund for your bought package will be offered if you cancel your commitment 48-hours before your first appointment.
- A full refund for your bought package will be offered if you cancel your commitment 24-hours before your first appointment, but $25 fee will be charged.
- If you cancel your commitment in the middle of your program and 24-hours before your next appointment, the full price of one session will be charged and the rest of not used amount of your package will be refunded
How should I prepare for a coaching and healing session?
The sessions are done with clothing on. It is better to wear loose gym pants and a light, natural fiber T-shirt or blouse. You may bring the above clothing and change when you arrive. It is also better if you eat at least an hour before treatment. If you are coming immediately after work and very hungry, it would be appropriate to have a small snack before arriving.
If by any chance you feel not well, have a cold or the flu, please re-schedule your appointment.
Let the practitioner know ahead of time if you are very sensitive or allergic to any fragrance or smell.