The Healing Art of Mandalas Introduction

Turning Obstacles Into Blessings – My Mandala Story
I started using mandalas along with my favorite breathwork on a daily basis in 2019. I was seeking a relief from the severe pain in my whole body and total exhaustion rooted in a mysterious illness called Lyme disease. I felt I was fully destroyed by this brutal illness and not sure if I could ever regain my strength or ability to move independently, think clearly and come back to normal functioning and life. I was bedridden and literally dying.
Drawing mandalas did more than holding space for my recovery, this sacred art helped me to handle the additional roller-coaster that the spring of 2020 had brought with COVID and my marriage collapse.
During my daily meditations to calm down my anxiety and panic attacks, I would mostly see in my mind’s eye just bright colors, but sometimes also various circular patterns.
I would find myself very settled and peaceful after seeing them, but even more content after drawing them in a form of a unique mandala.
My pain would always lessen afterwards which allowed me to hope and make another step forward toward my health and freedom.
Feeling the beneficial affect of the mandala art on my body I decided to share my findings with others and occasionally offer an on-line class here and there while learning more and more.
My 2020 lockdown was actually brining me opportunities to share with others what I have gained during 2019. I felt lucky and blessed. My pain was going away and lab tests improving. In 2022 all my tests went to normal. I have fully recovered and on top of everything, I uncovered the core mindset that created the autoimmune loop and healed my chronic Rheumatoid Arthis.
I am passionate to teach my classes and programs everywhere and help people to regain their hope in the darkest places of their lives and start building themselves from a total “0”.

My creativity door has opened and with it a new chapter in my life!
With time I started to decode and understand the messages received while painting, and the deeper meaning of my whole experience of illness and my painful inner and outer breakdown was revealed to me on a new level.

Why Changes Do Not Happen to Good People
After decades of working as an energy healer, breathwork practitioner and holistic life coach, I now recognize that many of my good-hearted, caring and very responsible clients cannot get out of their habitual destructive patterns and keep coming back with the same issues not only because they don’t know what they truly want or resist change out of fear of the unknown, but because after releasing their fear and other stuck emotions, they often get lost in a vast space of… nowhere and nothingness.
Letting go of the old self is tough, but…
… facing the truth that nothing and no one is defining you anymore; there is no more bad bosses to fight against or good authoritarian figures to go for an approval and security
Liberation from the old identity can often make you feel freer, but also unstable and unsure.
Who will define me then?
To find your new ground and be the confident creator of your life, you have to build some creative muscles.

Mandala Classes Benefits:
The Healing Art of Mandala Classes offers you a safe ground to explore who you are without any roles or personas you have build earlier in life to function in the society. Each of your mandala creation will be a little island you can visit and explore. There you can find some part of Self calling your attention or a field to lay down and dream your dreams without any distraction.
Mandala can be your safety net to fall into and feel embraced and supported while you are looking for a next step in your journey.
One of the “mandala” word meaning is “essence” And so, the process of drawing a mandala will allow you to dive in and get connected to your true essence and be You.
In my classes we will use this incredible ancient tool for these major reasons:
- To overcome the fear of rejection and dissolve self-judgement and criticism
- To release stressful emotions
- To transform negativity into positive images and vibes
- To train your mind to focus on what works instead of perpetuating the problem
- To play, go beyond stereotypes and out of the familiar box of thinking and be inspired for life
- To connect your breath with your heart beat, to relax and feel safe in the embrace of your soul
- To discover and celebrate your renewed connection with your Divine Creator!
The classes are suitable for adults and kids of any age.

7 Steps to Independence –
Transformational Mandala Coaching Program
So, after years of using my coaching approach called The Integrated Way which equips and empowers my clients with the tools for self-healing and self-attunement, I also had to find a way to boost their creative side and inspire them to play with their imagination. Otherwise, what is the point of all the hard work for soul liberation, if we do not know how to create a new life script and enjoy it fully?
Hitting my own rock bottom in 2019 stimulated me to dissolve my own creative dam.
I came up with a new approach and creativity coaching program that uses mandala art as a self-exploration and self-navigation tool for creating a new Self and way of living.
This Mandala Coaching program works on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
It opens you to a totally new world of playful spirituality while laying the solid ground for the profound and stable shifts in all areas of your life: financial, health, social, etc.
I am beyond happy to see the miracles my clients manifest in life after taking my programs!
If you are curious and ready for change, join me for classes to become a confident Creator of your life.


My Students Mandalas

Who Are My Students?
We tap into our creativity, connect to our intuitive Higher Selves and enjoy the ride! 😊

Thank you so much for an uplifting and enlightening mandala class! I had such a wonderful time and learned so much! Thank you so much for your guidance and for allowing me to have a safe space to learn and heal….
The healing I received with your help shifted a huge creative block, and my stomach area feels lighter after the workshop. I cannot wipe a smile off my face…
It was a very fun and informative class! So many things came up that I didn’t even know I was thinking about. I would highly recommend taking a mandala class with Angela – she is an excellent teacher. She is kind, patient, and has a lot of insights to share with the class. I can’t wait for her next class!
Thank you Angela for sharing your success story with us and teaching us about the Healing Mandala today. It was fun…Your messages and reading about my mandala were spot on…
I woke up this morning to an enormous picture with my very own mandala staring at me. It is adorable and I love it!
I woke up this morning dreaming about mandalas! … I can hardly wait to see where my next steps in this journey take me. Thank you for offering the opportunity for my daughter and me to join your class yesterday. Art and nature have been an important source of calmness and connection in my relationships.
Sharing this time with you, my daughter and the group was so inspiring!
I look forward to all that awaits!