About QiGong

What is QiGong?
QiGong is a body-mind discipline which main focus is to cultivate and harmonize Qi as it affects mind (心), body (身), and spirit (靈).
Qi has many meanings. It stands for gas, air, breath, smell, weather, manner, spirit and more.
In general, the Chinese word “Qi” (“chi”), is identical in meaning to the Sanskrit word “prana,” and means vital energy or natural force that fills the Universe.
Gong is practice, workout, achievement, merit and skill that requires time and effort to accomplish.

QiGong can be translated as “working with energy”.

QiGong comes with explanations and helpful solutions.
In Chinese philosophy, we are all connected to the unlimited source of Qi because we are born in it and “swimming” in it every day. But even though we share the same “Qi ocean”, and all belong to the same species as human beings, we are still unique and stand out individually. When we are in sync with our natural rhythm of Qi flow, we feel stable, healthy, peaceful and safe. We are productive and beneficial for others and self. When we pick an occupation or activities or relationships that our bodies and minds not designed to do, we go against the flow and ourselves. Awareness of the Self is the key for coming back to your natural state of being, and QiGong is the practice that boosts that.
The Qi we use for life is inherited from our parents and daily charged from sunlight, water, food and interaction with the environment, nature, animals, plants and people.

A person is believed to become ill or die when the natural flow of Qi in the body weakens, the Qi becomes diminished or unbalanced. The common causes for the imbalance are negative thinking, stress, trauma, injuries, over-working, sleep-deprivation, poor diet, pollution, weather change, time change and inherited generative problems and etc.
Early signs and symptoms of the blocked Qi include breathing problems, anxiety, body tension, fatigue, headaches, sleep problems, hair loss, hypertension, cold hands and feet, panic attacks, immune system suppression, skin problems and etc.

QiGong practice is focused on bringing Qi back into balance.

The History of QiGong is long and interesting.
QiGong exercises were developed more than 4000 years ago and are still working for hundreds of millions of people often creating miraculous natural healings when conventional medicine fails.
QiGong masters cultivated their knowledge of Qi based on thorough observations of nature, its cycles, animals and humans and their relation to a healthy living. The sacred knowledge has been passed from generation to generation.

The traditional QiGong practice involves

Medical QiGong is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine.