Emergency Blessing

The Integrated Way-Spiritual Humor-Emergency BlessingYou have probably read and heard about how being grateful for the things, situations or people around you enriches your life and brings more satisfaction and happiness. In all self-help books and spiritual practices the importance of practicing gratitude is emphasized as it contributes to a person’s growth and self-contentment.

It is easy to feel grateful when people or life experiences uplift you, but it seems impossible to find gratitude for circumstances that make you stuck or drain your energy.

My daughter goes through such tough circumstances such as these with the motto ”Do the impossible!”

She makes an effort to use her remaining internal source of energy to go through an inner resistance toward a person or situation that gives her a hard time and to do something loving like give a hug, write a thank you card, or make a list with the good traits of that person that she sincerely appreciates.  And that works well pretty often, but what if the resistance is too strong and you don’t have enough energy to “do the impossible”?

There is a common phrase we often hear from religious people: ”God bless you.”

I don’t think you need to be religious to bless people or to send something invisible but good their way. The word “God” for me has a direct connection with “good”. Look at the word “good” and take out one “o.” That “o” stands for “obvious.” Now you are left with “God,” which is everywhere and means “good” ( that goodness is everywhere), but not in an obvious manner for everyone. Yes, not all of us can feel God (Good) or see good, beauty, positivity deep meaning and sacredness in everything and everyone around us, but it is still there, and sending a blessing to a person is like wishing that person to find it, to become open to the infinite variations of it and therefore, makes their life struggle as well as yours lighter.

So sometimes, it is just that simple, sending blessings to your overwhelming situations and staying open to the invisible truth that may surface to your new you who is willing now with the magic powers of “bless you” to see the unseen. Stay still in those moments, silence your mind for a while and be patient enough to allow the tough circumstances to slowly unfold in front of you – to show you the hidden beauty or the possibility of growth and love in it.

Sound like a serious practice? Let’s invite humor to the rescue!

In the delightful book “Soul Stories”, the author Gary Zukav shared a story about one Hawaiian kahuna who says that “the most important thing of all is to bless everyone all the time.”

“‘There is always something about everybody that you can find to bless. When you are looking for it, you will find it.’ He smiled broadly at his audience.

‘Just in case’, he continued,’I am going to give you an emergency blessing. You can use it if you can’t find one thing about someone to bless.’

‘Tell yourself”,’ he said solemnly, ‘His exhalation feeds the plants’”.

GOD BLESS YOU AND THANKS FOR THE TREESWishing you lots of progress in the wonderful  practice of “GRATITUDE” with the help of your sense of humor!


“Spiritual humor is what makes your spirit of wisdom lighter”  ~ Angela Sokolova