I plan to have my Winter Solstice gathering as usual.
It is always wonderful to spend this special day with people, reflect on the year, share your special stories and do some rituals to boost the energies for the upcoming winter.
But if you prefer to stay alone and keep your solitude,
I can share with you a few things that you can create at your home or with your close circle of friends and family.
The Winter Solstice, the darkest and longest night of the year, is a time of reflection, cleansing, celebration and preparation of a new ground for your dreams and visions.
#1. Create a Winter Solstice Altar.
The energies of that night can be heavy and that is why people would get together to cheer themselves up, sing songs and create altars (now to decorate their Christmas trees) to boost the feelings of hope and to survive the cold winter season. They also would have a good meal knowing that fasting is ahead, so festive potlucks are now common to have on this day.
After the Solstice night, the days will gradually begin to lengthen. The nights get shorter, so even it’s cold, remind yourself that actually the warmth is gradually returning and stay positive!
To celebrate the gradual return of the Sun people would use yellow or golden colors, so find golden candles or coins (or sparkles) to add to your altar.
White : purification and spiritual development
Blue and Silver: Colors of Winter, also represents the Moon, reflection and clarity
Gold – represents the Sun and abundance in all aspects of life
Red – passion, sexuality and fertility, strength and power
Evergreen – renewal of life, prosperity and wealth
#2. Take some time to divide your paper in 3 columns and write down:
1. My favorite memories of the year: 2. Challenges and Lessons I have leaned: 3. Achievements or What I am proud of: |
(Keep those writings in a special folder. I have a sparkly folder for those yearly reflections and like to look at them at the end of each year to see changes and any progress in reaching my visions)
#3. What do I want to let go and not to drag into my future?
~ Make a list of things that you recognize as not useful anymore.
They can be old habits, beliefs or real things like an old dress, dusty piece of furniture or unfulfilling job.
You can also write down the names of people you don’t want anymore to interact with.
~ Tear that piece of paper with all the listed above or burn it.
~ Flash the unneeded pieces into the toilet or allow the wind to carry away the ashes. The old will be recycled and renewed in the Spring.
~ Enjoy the process of getting lighter! Don’t you feel that way? 🙂
#4. What lies dormant in your own life right now ?
When the Earth gets cold and even covered with the snow, we tend to think that everything is frozen and not moving. But deep inside, underneath the soil life is still happening. There is breathing of hibernating animals and slow moving of underground waters.
Take your time to think about what lies dormant in your own life right now, but still has its slow breath waiting for your attention and nourishment like the winter Earth waiting for the Sun’s energy. Imagine what may bloom in a few months from now. Write that down.
4. What Lies dormant in my own life: 5. What might bloom out of it: |
Go as wild as you can with your imagination and picture things you can create. You can draw a picture instead of writing to get more inspired.

#5. Light a candle and complete your reflection with a meditation, prayer or singing a song.
As the earth grows colder,
the winds blow faster,
the fire dwindles smaller,
and the rains fall harder,
let the light of the sun
find its way home.
Blessings and Happy Celebration of the Winter Solstice!
“When you get better, the world gets better”
Angela Sokolova, HHCP