Poor Heredity. What to Do?
I inherited rheumatoid arthritis from my grandmother. These arthritis genes passed down to me cause pain in all muscles and bones, twist your fingers into knots, and grow bumps on your hands and feet. In extreme cases, this disease disables the entire body. Even...
Taming My Dragon of Chronic Pain
If you don’t know this about me: I have been struggling with chronic pain since I was a kid. Doctors told my frustrated mother in the 1970s that I might have rheumatism and a weak immune system and I need to be under constant medical supervision. My mom did all she...
The Winter Solstice Celebration
I plan to have my Winter Solstice gathering as usual.It is always wonderful to spend this special day with people, reflect on the year, share your special stories and do some rituals to boost the energies for the upcoming winter. But if you prefer to stay alone and...
Your Christmas Tree Healing Bath!
I have found this recipe on internet in 2016 when my exhaustion would keep me in laying position for weeks. The unpleasant, to say the least, Hep C virus had taken a toll eventually on my endocrine and nervous systems. I would get irritated by any noise or electronic...
QiGong and The Art of Natural Breathing
Breathing is a simple, but profound tool for energy restoration and inner transformation. This workshop is an introduction to QiGong and The Art of Natural Breathing that both use breath as a tool for healing on all levels – body, mind...
How to Cleanse Your Liver with Pumpkin
Hello, friends! The following recipe I have found on this Russian website for liver care and tried myself. When your liver is not well, life isn't fun at all and you are looking for any possible remedies to get it back to normal functioning. I loved the simplicity...
QiGong Versus Fitness
I am on my morning refreshing stroll through my town. I see a few women coming out from a new place that was recently...
Emergency Blessing
Emergency Blessing You have probably read and heard about how being grateful for the things, situations or people around you enriches your life and brings more satisfaction and happiness. In all self-help books and spiritual practices the importance of practicing...
Feeding the Three Babies: Body, Mind and Spirit
If you have never done anything like this in your life, this work will probably be a new undertaking for you to try. I do not mean you have to adopt or give birth to three cute little babies. I mean the act of trying to care of your body, mind and spirit as if they are your most beloved children.